The Tea Bag Test, Cleaning and Emulsifying Fats [Part 3/3 - 11 Most Common Alkaline Water Myths:]
Here's an overview of 11 Most Common Alkaline Water Myths discussed in all three episodes:
1st episode: Catch up on this episode HERE.
1: "The body is alkaline and that's why we should drink alkaline water."
2: "The Otto Warburg Quote: Cancer cells can't survive in an alkaline environment (the body)."
2nd episode: Catch up on this episode HERE.
3: Alkaline water can neutralise acidity in the body.
4: If you suffer from 'XY disease', drink some alkaline water with pH higher than 10.
5: When you start drinking alkaline water you always detox.
6: Drinking slightly acidic water or water with no minerals will pull minerals out of your body.
7: Alkaline ionised water has 3-5 water molecules vs tap water has 15 (or so) water molecules in a water cluster. (= micro clustering)
3rd episode:
8. I don't feel bloated when drinking alkaline ionised water because it's micro-clustered and more absorbable.
9. The tea bag test - the tea releases colouring in a cold cup of alkaline ionised water because it's microclustered.
10. Only ionised/electrolysed water of a very low ph (strong 2.5pH) is an effective disinfectant.
11. High alkaline water (11.5pH) emulsifies fats in the body.
Interview Transcript and Video
If you prefer to read the content of the interview below, I've included an edited transcript below. But remember - you can always watch it by scrolling to the bottom of the blog post.
Myth No. 8: I don't feel bloated when drinking alkaline ionised water because it's micro-clustered and more absorbable.
Veronika: "Some people say that the micro-clustering (which we now know doesn't exist), is responsible for the fact that people might not feel bloated when they drink the water; that the water is absorbed better in the body. Sometimes I've heard claims that nutrients are absorbed more efficiently. You'd only need half of the supplements comparing to the standard amount. So, again, would that be all false? And why would that be that the water is absorbed into the gut from the stomach faster than tap water for example, or water of a lower pH?
How gets water absorbed in the body
Paul: "There is a faster, what we call a gastric emptying. It wouldn't be advised to drink the higher pH water while eating, or during eating, because what I'm about to tell you can occur, and it can be a problem. So what happens in the stomach?
You have a very acid environment, and you have, at the top of the stomach and the bottom of the stomach, a pyloric valve.
There's a wonderful valve there that stays closed because of the acid environment. It's pH negative to a certain degree. So on an empty stomach, let's say, where you drink 9pH water, or 8pH water, that's obviously much higher pH than in the stomach. What does the body do when that water goes into the stomach? The pyloric valve says: 'Hey, we don't want that in here, that's a higher pH, let's open the valve and dump it into the duodenum.'
So, what's happening is you have the caloric valve opening quickly because of the pH of the water, dumping that water into the, now, what is the duodenum? The second stage after the stomach, and it has pancreatic juice. The pH of that would be 8, typically. Though, that would be, alkaline water that you just drank, and so, boom, right into the duodenum it goes. And then it's ushered into the small intestine, and that's where water is actually absorbed, is in the small intestine. So, that's why it gets there faster. It's the pH, but let's be honest, the water that we drink would be a 7pH, so that would also go. But it definitely wouldn't go as fast as a 9pH water, for instance, because at 9pH, the body says, 'whoa, get that out.'
Time-release medication
A faster gastric emptying is happening purely because of the pH. That's also why you should never take time-release capsules or time-release medications with a higher pH water. It's simply because these capsules are designed to resist an acid environment and they will dissolve extremely fast in an alkaline environment. Taking them with alkaline water will basically do away with the time-release part. You'll get a double dose and then nothing later when you thought you were getting continual dose over a time period.
People always ask, 'how do I know'? Well, it'll say it on the bottle if it's time-release. If it is time-release, don't take it with higher pH water, or you will mess up the time-release part of the tablet.
Taking supplements, taking minerals, taking other things with the alkaline water will usher that in the duodenum and into the small intestine faster, and in some cases, could help to get it into the gut faster. That's true, absolutely, but taking less, you could have an argument - the fact that the stomach acid's not destroying some of it. But the stomach acid's not designed to destroy stuff; it breaks things down and prepares it for assimilation in the body.
So, I don't know how much truth would be to that argument, but I don't think there's any harm in getting it faster into the gut than you would normally get; there won't be any harm in that way.
Now, let's go back and recap. We purely have a faster gastric emptying because of the pH, we don't wanna take time-release capsules with alkaline water, or higher pH water. Taking minerals or supplements with alkaline water or neutral pH water, either one is fine."
Myth No. 9: The tea bag test - the tea releases colouring in a cold cup of alkaline ionised water because it's microclustered.
Veronika: "Fantastic. The next question is about the teabag test. What do you think of that? I mean, a lot of people still do the comparison of putting a teabag into a cup of cold (tap/bottled) water, and then they do it with a cup of alkaline ionised (electrolysed reduced) water. And there's a difference; in alkaline ionised water the colouring from the tea, although it's cold, is released faster. Now, a lot of people still market this as a property of the micro-clustering. Could you, again, say a few words about that. What's your view?
Paul: "Sure. So, you're right, they use all these kind of, what I call a dog and pony show. I don't know if it means anything to you, but many different people who market products use examples to prove a point. Unfortunately, not always does the example matches what they're saying the example's teaching.
In this case, it's one of those things. The teabag test is used, as you said, to demonstrate this theory that the micro-clustering: the fact that the water molecules, the cluster sizes are smaller, means that it can get into our cells and get the stuff out of our cells that are in there, and then you pee it out, and it's so much better at detoxification. That is completely false, number one.
Number two, the fact that the tea bag test has nothing to do with micro-clustering. It really is a pH indicator, and what happens is because the water is a higher pH, the tea, or the colouring in there's actually functioning like a phenol solution, or a pH reagent of sorts, changing the colour. So, it doesn't have anything to do with going into the cells, or somehow the micro-clustering 'cause we know micro-clustering is false. It's simply a proponent of the pH.
Not a medical benefit, not any way of benefit, it's just original to pH, just like when you drop in phenol solution what's called a pH reagent, it's gonna change colours based on the pH 'cause those are chemistry reactions. People use it all the time to demonstrate, and they're telling people, 'hey, this is what it's teaching you', but they know that's not true.
If micro-clustering really existed...
Let's pretend for a second, Veronika, that micro-clustering was true. But let's say that this theory had been true, or is true, which, it is not, but let's pretend for a minute.
There was a Nobel Prize won years ago for two gentlemen that proved how water's absorbed into the cells of the body. And what we call this process has nothing to do with micro-clustering. Let's think for a minute how large four water molecules are. You have H2O, right? The theory is that now you have four to six water clusters instead of 11 to 13 or so, right? That's the hypothesis of micro-clustering. Well, if we look at the size of a human cell versus four water molecules, it's significantly different. Very, very, very different.
It would be trying like, saying 'hey, this is a semi instead of a train, so look, it goes in, it can drive through your front door that much easier.' Front door is much smaller than the semi truck and if you try to put that semi truck through the front door, it's not gonna work. And the same thing is true about micro-clustering. Well, because they use the term 'micro'-clustering, people think it's tiny, but if we actually examine the size of a human cell versus four to six water molecules, it's huge compared to an actual cell in the body.
We know that it's been proven that water gets into the cells through what's called an aquaporin. And these are like little fingers coming out from a human cell, and one water molecule at a time that actually gets broken down into hydrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, and goes single file through an aquaporin into the cell one at a time, one atom at a time, basically goes through. Not even a full molecule because cells are tiny. That's the process that we know is true, so even if micro-clustering was true, there's no way you would get that micro-cluster, four water molecules at a time into a cell because cells aren't even as big as four water molecules. The whole thing is kind of preposterous."
Veronika: "Thank you, thank you for the clarification. It's been very, very valuable. Is there anything else that you would like to add that we haven't covered from the most common myths or misperceptions that are presented in terms of electrolysed or ionised, or alkaline water?"
Drinking water on a full stomach
Paul: "Well, I think we've covered, I think we've covered almost everything. The one thing I want to tell people is, again, be careful drinking water during eating times. As I've mentioned before, there's a pyloric valve in the top of the stomach, there's a pyloric valve on the bottom of the stomach. Just like those, what we said, the pyloric valve in the bottom of the stomach, if you're sitting upright, will open to allow the water to go down into the duodenum.
Let's say that you had a bunch of food that you just ate, which filled up most of your stomach 'cause it was a wonderful meal; it was Thanksgiving, right? So, it was wonderful; or Christmas; and they ate a lot of food 'cause hey, it's a joyous moment. Then all of a sudden, 'man, I'm thirsty because my body is saying to me, you just gave me a lot of food, and I need water to process that food.' So, you drink water.
Now the water's sitting on top of all that food with the pyloric valve in the top of the stomach. If you were to lay down, the pyloric valve would open and allow that water, which is alkaline, to go back up into the esophageal area, and with it would come some food, and some stomach acid. Sometimes people ask, 'why do I get that process'? And the answer is: don't drink alkaline water on a full stomach, don't drink a lot of water, period, if you have a full stomach. But that's one thing people have asked me about.
People also ask about cleaning. You know, cleaning water, because there's a misunderstanding between the alkaline, and the acid, and what the two waters will do from a cleaning perspective. The alkaline water is very good at being a surfactant, or in other words, cleaning dirt, organic dirt."
Myth No. 10: Only ionised/electrolysed water of a very low ph (strong 2.5pH) is an effective disinfectant.
Using ionised / electrolysed reduced water for cleaning
Veronika: "When you talk about the alkaline water, is there a certain pH that would be more effective for this?"
Paul: "Well, the higher the pH, it would act more as a surfactant. So, the higher you get the pH, it would be a higher surfactant ability, so it would break up dirt.
But we know through study, actually, years ago, there was a floor cleaning company that spent five million dollars testing how well alkaline and acid water could work together as a floor cleaning system. They have 25 patents on that now, they spent five million dollars for the one-year study, and they ended up with at on of patents. What we understood through that was that the alkaline water and the acid water, when put down on a floor together, will stay together for 30 to 45 seconds functioning independently, and they will recombine in 30 seconds to 45 seconds, and come back to neutral pH. So, this company actually developed a water cleaning - a floor cleaning system - that would create, through electrolysis, the two different water streams, spray it on the floor, scrub bristles, and then it would suck it back up.
What we need to understand is the alkaline water is amazing at cleaning dirt. In fact, they found it was twice as good as any detergent based system that was on the market for floor cleaning. So, the alkaline water is good at cleaning dirt. The acid water's good at killing bacteria and things of that nature. When they were done, they ended up with seven pH water and no nasty smell from all the dirt because the acid water had killed the bacteria.
We need to think of the water... In cleaning messes, the acid water is good as a sterilisation, or a killing of bacteria. And this is a good way to use the two waters."
Veronika: "With the acidic water - is there a specific pH? Does it have to be a very low pH, or can it be a higher pH for it to be effective?"
Chlorine gas vs hypochlorous acid
Paul: "People in the industry that teach you should have 2.5, right, that's the magic number is 11.5 and 2.5. 2.5, let's discuss that, when you create a pH of 2.5, you mostly have chlorine gas. And you will have some hypochlorous acid, which is what we want to kill things appropriately. We don't want a lot of chlorine gas. And so, what we need to understand is going all the way down to 2.5 pH simply creates a lot of chlorine gas, and it's gonna smell like chlorine, it's gonna taste like chlorine, it is chlorine. It's chlorinated water, effectively. So, you could take and put chlorine in water and accomplish the same thing.
What we want is, and what we, what I focus on is hypochlorous acid, which is HOCl. Hypochlorous acid, it has four times the killing power of bleach, but is non-toxic. Now, 2.5 pH is way too low for hypochlorous acid to be stable. Really, a 4-6pH range is where hypochlorous acid is most stable. And so, when you create acid water in a 4-6pH range and you have an efficient enough electrode to convert the chlorides in the water into hypochlorous acid, then you can have some really beautiful acid water with hypochlorous acid in the four to six pH range."
Myth No.11: High alkaline water (11.5pH) emulsifies fats in the body.
Veronika: "And you wanted to add one more thing."
Paul: "Yes, let's talk about saponification. One of the things that a lot of people, or, specifically one of the companies says is that you can take and emulsify oils. We need to understand that there are, they say they're emulsifying fats, right? They'll take an oil and they'll put the water in it, the high 11.5pH water, and they'll put it into there, and that explanation is to tell you that somehow, it's gonna do the same thing to the fat in your body, which is a crazy, crazy thing. But what we need to understand, this is not emulsifying anything.
It's what's called saponification, and it's a mixture based on the pH of the water, based on the properties of the water, based on the fact that when you create 11.5pH water, you have some lye, and you have some other things in that water that reacts with certain oils, and it will saponify. It will not emulsify, but it will saponify, and we need to understand, again, it is not at all true that that is a demonstration to show you what's gonna happen in your body, it is completely false information. Don't fall for that."
Veronika: "Thank you very much for, for joining me today, Paul, and for sharing all your knowledge. I hope this will be beneficial to a lot of people. As I said at the beginning, as well, and the introduction to this video, we are hoping that this will help you make better choices and more informed choices so when you are looking for a product, and potentially, an electrolyzer, or some other product, perhaps an alkaline water product, that you will have the information, and you will be empowered to make the choices that will help you choose the best.
Next episode... on the power of Molecular Hydrogen and its potential to transform your health.
We will continue with Paul next time, and that will be on the topic of molecular hydrogen. So, if you would like to join us, then please subscribe to the Living Health newsletter, and you will get notified. Thank you very mch for watching, and thank you once again, Paul, for being here. And I hope you have a fantastic rest of your day."
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